Cycle Safety
We have received some comments from local residents about speeding child cyclists on pavements at Countesswells Road and Springfield Road near Airyhall Primary School, particularly during school opening and closing times.
Residents have reported that speeding cyclists, and on some occasions their parents or guardians, on their way to school cycle at speed past pedestrians, silently and with inches to spare. It's particularly dangerous when these cyclists approach pedestrians from behind.
It just takes a pedestrian to deviate by one step from the straight and narrow to collide with a cyclist at the point of overtaking. Although most of the cyclists wear safety helmets, the pedestrians do not. We fear it may just be a matter of time till there is an accident and someone is injured.
Please remind your children, if they are cycling to school, or at any time on the pavement, that the should use their bell to warn pedestrians of their approach and pass with care and consideration.
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