A Step Back in Time
Alison Mitchell, a regular visitor to the Community Council meetings, unearthed some copies of Braeside and Mannofield Community Council Newsletters from the 80's. The internet was in it's infancy back then and the Community Council of the time didn't have a website like today. So they circulated an annual Newsletter to keep residents up to speed with the issues of the day.
Alison's father was an active member of the Community Council throughout the 80's and was keen on the history of the area. He shared some of the local stories in the Newsletter, making him one of the main contributors.
His articles included "Braeside Now and Then", The Coortin' Kirk - Ruthrieston West" , "Mannofield Today and Yesterday", Whisky Galore - the Strathmore Distillery" and "Roads to the Past"
You can read the Newsletters and Mr Mitchell's articles by clicking on the various links below.
Thank you Alison for this really interesting step back in time. The spooky thing is that a lot of the issues that our predecessors were tackling back then, appear on our Agenda today.
If anyone finds newsletters from the missing years and can either scan them or lend them to us for scanning, we would love to publish them here for everyone to see
Enjoy the read
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