
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airyhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Royal Garden Party - 2 July

The Community Council were asked to nominate two people from within our community to attend the Royal Garden Party at Holyrood House in Edinburgh on Tuesday 2 July. Members found it difficult to limit our nominations to two and managed to secure a third place on the list.

As well Naomi Mandel, who has been chair of the Community Council for the past 9 years and worked tirelessly on behalf of the community, Kirsty MacRae and Sandy McKenzie were nominated, invited and attended.

Kirsty runs the Cafe Connect on Great Western Road, an important rendezvous point for many members of the community in the area.  Her care of, and attention to, her customers, many with life challenges, is very noticeable.  Kirsty goes above and beyond and it is for this commitment that the Community Council forwarded her name to the Palace

Sandy is a well kent face around the Mannofield Church and works tirelessly on its behalf.  It is for his commitment to collecting for the foodbank that helps with those less fortunate, that he was nominated by the Community Council.

The Community Council was delighted to make the nominations and to hear that everyone had a great day out at the Royal Garden Party in Edinburgh.

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