
Welcome to the web site of the Braeside and Mannofield Community Council. The Council represents the interest of the residents of Braeside, Mannofield and Airyhall area of Aberdeen Scotland. You can contact us at bandmcommcouncil@gmail.com

Braeside School Planning Application - Decision

After a site visit today to the Braeside School site, councillors have now approved the planning application.

There was a vote taken to either accept the application as presented or to defer the decision pending a review by the applicant.

The decision was taken to approve the application by 6 votes to 4.


  1. It was devastating to see the decision going this way today – even more so when 2 Counsellors were absent from the meeting who would have been eligible to vote, this could have changed the outcome for us all.

    Devastated when over 100 objectors’ views are discarded, by 6 Counsellors who were adamant it should go ahead at ANY cost. Those 6 in question were completely disinterested on this morning’s site visit. Refusing to even enter the woodland where one of the plots had been marked out.

    I cannot understand why their views were so slanted despite clear evidence being given to them that there ARE serious problems with the plans – and the Councils own Report with Reasons for Recommendation was littered with errors.

    The whole planning process is an archaic and unfair system for sure… all geared towards helping developers get richer…. Why were those 6 Counsellors so keen for the developer to get their way at any cost anyway???

  2. Wait for the P&J Article ! Based on their scandalous headlines so far I am assuming it will be “ Poor people get homes despite the nasty Braeside residents “ ! Of course written by Malcolm Allan !!? . I thought the Bribery Act 2010 also applied to councillors and builders ! Obviously not

  3. Given the earlier comment I must admit I had a chuckle to myself when I saw the P&J article the morning. How often can they dine out on one stupid persons “poor people” comment ? Desperate journalism !

  4. Desperate journalism indeed… and the very same quote repeated on pages 1 and 7 – clearly they couldn’t quote any of the other valid 100+ objections raised – I wonder why?

  5. I will be cancelling my P&J subscription after their biased and influenced amateurish journalism.


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